Hour Detroit


The March issue of Hour Detroit, all things cool and happening in the Motor City (my subtitle, not theirs), features two illustrations and a few spots I did to go alongside Joe Lapointe’s story Doubling Down on the risk and reward of the casino scene in downtown Detroit. The second editorial story in a few months that took me into foreign territory, I was faced with finding out as much about casino culture as I could (Ben Affleck’s name came up once or twice) while trying to hit a tight deadline. As the generations have passed my family has lost the gambling spirit (my grandfather was always a horse and track man) so I sat down with my wife’s grandmother who told stories of handles and spinning wheels and actual coins that fell upon the winner when they hit it big. Times have apparently changed.

A big thank you to Associate Art Director Veronica Soderlund (I did an illustration for her back in 2014) for passing on my name to Creative Director Valerie Morgan. The turn around was fast but the subject was fun to research and there was plenty to get across in the story.

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